How does stress affect your body?

Stress isn’t just an emotion; it triggers a chain of physiological events. Prolonged exposure to cortisol, the stress hormone, impacts various body parts in surprising ways. Here are some physical responses to stress:
– Damage to cells and organs
– Brain-gut connection sensitivity leading to conditions like indigestion, heartburn, and IBS
– Increased appetite, body fat, weight, and health problems
– Compromised immune cells, elevating infection risks
– Breathing issues, chest pains, hypertension, and high blood pressure
– Blurred vision, migraines, headaches
– Inflammation, muscular tension, and chronic pain
– Fatigue
– Panic attacks
Watch this informative TEDEd video by Sharon Horesh Bergquist:
It explains how our response to stress, rather than stress itself, can lead to health issues. Stress is inevitable, but our reactions can be modified. By adopting healthier behaviors, reversing physical effects is possible.
If you need assistance in re-training your stress response, consider reaching out to Vibrant. Contact